[musical home] [Toho]

How To Take A Ticket

Toho's musical ticket is very expensive ! Because they use a large theater, such as Emperial Theatre, they use much money for a guarantee to a famous but less able actress/actor, they must pay for original works, and a schedule is very short-term, I think. "I don't go see a theatre for toho musicals because they are very expensive !", I'd like to say them but see it...It's a dilemma.

Case: Theaters In Tokyo

Use "Toho Teleserve"!
Call 03-3201-7777 (9:30 - 17:30 JST) and say the date, the time, a type ,and a number of tickets!
An Operator will tell you the number of your seat. Toho Teleserve has better seats than other ticket dealers.

Your reservation is valid for two weeks, so you must go to the ticket box of the theater. If you are in Japan, you can get your tickets by a mail as follows:

  1. Send a fee of the tickets and a postage (430yen) by a registered mail for cash to
    "XX-month's performance"
    Toho Teleserve
    3-1-1, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku
    Tokyo 100
  2. You'll get the tickets !

Case: Theater Hiten in Osaka

Use "Chaya-machi Teleserve"!
Call 06-377-7777(10:00 - 17:30 JST).